*whistling singing in the rain*
Sinead, you got a new handler. *JINGLES KEYS*
That has the keys to the Kingdom.
Isaiah 3:24 instead of well-dressed hair, baldness
*whistling singing in the rain*
Sinead, you got a new handler. *JINGLES KEYS*
That has the keys to the Kingdom.
let’s do a quick search on the Trance formation book:
Senator Byrd in Washington, D.C., at the West Virginia State Fair, NASA in
Huntsville, Alabama, and at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. One
such night when 1 was to be prostituted to Byrd at Opryland Hotel, Lt. Colonel
Aquino was scheduled to join him in perversely assaulting me. Much to my
horror, Aquino arrived early, in full army dress uniform, backstage at the
Grand Ol’ Opry. When I saw Aquino talking with the Vatican based Project
Monarch slave runner, Kris Kristopherson,4
whom I had known since 1979, my
personality programmed for Opry events “short circuited”. Under
circumstances such as this, a multiple without programming would have
switched personalities autogenically, whereas I could only switch upon
command, I backed away, dazed, right into a soft drink machine.
Kristopherson saw me as 1 backed further between the wall and the machine.
“What are you doing in there, little lady?” Kristopherson asked. The
Colonel wants to see you,”
Aquino had walked over and sarcastically asked, “What are you doing in those machine wires? That could very well be a shocking experience for you.” All experiences with Aquino or Kristopherson resulted in high voltage electric shock torture, and apparently neither had any regard for human life.5
Aquino used the opportunity to reinforce his belief that I “had no where to run, no
where to hide” from his “power”- his stun gun.
While I untangled myself from the wires, Kristopherson and Aquino
continued their banter at my expense, Kristopherson held up his key ring and
jingled it, catching my undivided attention as conditioned, while he told
Aquino, “You’re gonna need the Keys to the Kingdom to work with this one
right here.”
“Keys to the Kingdom,” of course, referred to my previously instilled
(Enter/Inter)”Inner-dimensional” Catholic programmed personalities. Since
Aquino was my primary mind-control programmer at the time, Kristopherson
was informing Aquino of programs previously instilled in childhood via the
“Rite to Remain Silent”. By jingling the keys, he was demonstrating his control
over me and his momentary edge on Aquino.
“I got ’em,” Kristopherson was saying as he jingled the keys. “She’s mine
unless you wanna play ball. Besides, you have to. The Byrd sent me.”
“I’ve been expecting you,” Aquino said with a smile. Events later that night
proved that Aquino had been supplied the keys to my previously established
Jesuit based programming, which he and Byrd used and altered to suit their own
Byrd monitored all of my programming “progress,” and often tortured me
with his whip and pocketknife. He picked up where my mother left off, to
destroy any self-esteem I might have inadvertently developed. He said, “There
is no place for you to turn because if you could think to talk no one would ever
believe I would have anything to do with the likes of you.” He often threatened
me that I was considered “disposable” because, after all, “The first Presidential
Model, Marilyn Monroe, was killed right in front of the public eye and no one
knew what happened.”
Byrd’s threats and cruelty were unnecessary as I could no longer think to
seek help anyway, but he loved to hear himself talk and would often drone on
and on and on in his infamous long-winded recitations, while I was
photographically recording every word he said. He detailed the inner
operational structure of the world domination effort, including psychological
warfare strategies, and explained how he had and would utilize his “expert”
knowledge of the Constitution to manipulate it and the so-called U.S. Justice
System, and more. His loose lips provided me yet another means of surviving
and staying a step ahead of “the game” once Kelly and I were rescued from our
mind-con trolled existence.
Senator Byrd revealed his “justifications” for criminal activity to me as well.
He used me as a sounding board even though he knew 1 was incapable of input
or response. He rehearsed in keeping with his motto “The only way we can
fail, is to fail to think of an excuse.
*whistling ODE TO JOY*
Whistler gave me all the blood drinking illuminati vampire family 13 bloodlines names….
She heard about the vampire illuminati adrenochrome harvesting of children
back in the 90’s….
Sinead O’connor Mk’d?
i’m going to research this thread and consult my Inquisitor Cardinal Morgado