Prophet Has a Rise

The beauty of Rome’s Sistine Chapel has long served as a testament to the mixture of strong religious beliefs and the love of art shared by the people of Renaissance Europe. Michelangelo devoted four years to painting the mural that adorns the ceiling, a work depicting events in the book of Genesis and other Biblical stories. Few visitors to the Sistine Chapel have failed to be moved by the artist’s dedication to his subject, or his feeling for the nature of human struggle, suffering, and spiritual triumph.


Extortion of a legend

Listen to my voice

my words

What I have to say

save my heart

save my mind

save my soul

Save me please

For that is what Sinéad

Tried to say

She was screaming inside

so loud

but no one took

the time of day

No one cared

except for the fans who tried

to hear what Sinead had to say

For Sinead said out loud

Listen to my voice

My words

What I have to say

But I see all that happened

is I am silenced

All because I wished

to speak my mind

to be heard

For that was sinéad

She always wanted

to speak her mind

But no matter, how much Sinead tried

She was always ignored

She was ignored

No one ever took

the time of day

to hear what she

had to say

until it was too late

But then they sit there and apologize profusely

and say

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

I’m sorry we didn’t hear you

I’m sorry we didn’t take the time

to listen to you

but now it is all too late

There’s no time

for apologies

It’s all too late now Sinead is gone

you’ve gotten

your wish

The princess

silenced forever

A great legend

a great teacher

a great influence

on my life is gone

She was my idol

my princess

my role model

For me

I am grateful

I took the time

to listen

I took the time to hear what Sinead had to say

I listened to her music with great patience, dedication and loyalty.

I gave her my time

and I am grateful

for that

I am grateful I did

because at least

I listened

To the great legend that she is

Well, everyone else sat there

bashing her down

kicking her down

putting her down

Trying to bury her

that’s all they had done

they didn’t give her

the time of day

they didn’t listen to

what the great legend

had to say

But now they regret it

but they can’t take it back

What’s done is done

The great legend is gone

No amount of apologies

will fix what has been done

To Sinéad throughout her career.

Oh no,

There’s no fixing what has been done

so don’t waste

your time

Because it’s a little late

it’s a little late

It’s a little late

It’s a little late

for all that now

the great legend is gone

the great legend is dead.

Silenced forever

They finally gotten their wish

my idol

my role model

my princess is dead

All that has been done to Sinéad

Will never be forgotten among the Sinéad O’Connor fans

We will remember her we will always give

her music

the time of day

we will always listen

to what Sinead

had to say

we will never forget

all that has been done to our sweet Sinead

Written by Alisha Legrand

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