
Who gives a shit. There must be someone who gives a shit about these niggers on Rockefeller’s plantation.

33 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m gonna bring this site down like Samson brought down the house pushing on those pillars. Then I’m gonna beat you with the jawbone of a donkey until you scream like a woman.

    Down with anti-semites!

  2. How can you move to Israel when it was never yours?…the maps do not lie…Palestine was always there…You guys need to move back to wherever you came from in Eastern Europe.

  3. “We should encourage Zionism and relocate the Jews to Israel which is their home. ”

    according to who? lmao. i love the information put forward by this site, but if thats how you really feel, I guess you still have a lot of learning to do.

  4. I have to agree with Visinequeen. Do some deeper study. Khazar Judaism is a good place to start. Otherwise keep up the good work.

  5. I am illuminati!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    so what the ‘El? It doesn’t matter what you know about ya brother but just yourself!
    You think am joking? Then get your pace! Coz L will be full and you’ll miss a place!
    Think u will b welcomed in Heaven? forget and suite yourself!
    Oh, no heaven no ‘ell die and meet ya fate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    DOG SI NATAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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